All the features you need

Featured Areas

Image or Video background featured sliders for your video categories or any other page.

Video Thumbnail Sliders

Video app style, horizontal sliders to feature your videos. Video slider shortcodes also included.


Easily customize the colours of your video app theme including a Dark or Light background with your choice of accent colour.

Series & Seasons

Create TV Shows (Series) with Seasons and Episodes in addition to Genres.

Video Reviews

Turn on 5 star ratings for your videos to allow customers to leave reviews.

My List

Provide your customers with a My List (watch later) feature.

3 Video Page Templates

A standard, YouTube and Netflix style video page template.

Memberships (Optional)

Integrates perfectly with WP Video Memberships.

Google Fonts

Customize your website Headings and Body typography using any Google Font.

Video Management

Manage videos by Actors, Directors, Genres, Series, Seasons and Tags.

Dark or Light

The WPVS Legacy Theme offers both a dark and light style. Quickly switch between dark and light using the WordPress customizer.

WPVS Legacy Theme Dark or Light
Web3 Access MetaMask Plugin for WordPress

Need a way to restrict WordPress content with Web3?

Accept cryptocurrency payments via MetaMask and web3 browser wallets using the Web3 Access plugin. The Web3 Access WordPress plugin allows you to restrict WordPress content that can only be accessed by web3 visitors by making a payment via their browser wallet, or verify they own certain NFTs or tokens.

*This is a promotion for a separate product and is not included in WP Video Subscription products.

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